Máme následující kontaktní informace pro žádosti týkající se soukromí u společnosti “Udacity, Inc.”:
Udacity, Inc.
Ochrana osobních údajů
2465 Latham Street, 3rd Floor
Mountain View
CA 94040
United States of America
Udacity, Inc.
Ochrana osobních údajů
2465 Latham Street, 3rd Floor
Mountain View
CA 94040
United States of America
Email: | privacy@udacity.com |
Webová stránka: | https://www.udacity.com |
Kategorie: zábava
- According to their privacy policy, Udacity also want “A statement under penalty of perjury that all information in your request is truthful and that this is your User Account or that you have the authorization to make the request on behalf of the owner of the User Account” for requests and “Depending on the circumstances and the information you request, we may require additional methods of verification in our discretion.”
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